"Agora a serpente era
mais sutil que qualquer animal no campo"
Genesis 3:1

18 de agosto de 2010

Vampyre Sanguinomicon: The Lexicon of the Living Vampire

Novo livro " Vampyre Sanguinomicon: The Lexicon of the Living Vampire"
por Father Sebastiaan será lançado 
dia 1º de setembro através do site Amazon!

Revisado por Dra Katherine Ramsland (The Science of Vampires e Piercing the Darkness), Lady A (Publicitária e administradora do "Ane Rice Vampire Lestat Fan Club"), Corvis Nocturnum (Allure of the Vampyre: Our sexual atraction to the Undead), Kaedrich Olsen (Runes for Transformation), Lucie Von Wolfe (Fundador do "Tantric Vampires") e Michael W. Ford (The Black Order of the Dragon).

Para quem esta familiarizado contém os livro Liber Elorath, Liber Jahira e Liber Calmae.

Descrição do livro:

"Since the dawn of civilization the vampire has danced through the dreams and nightmares of every culture, expressed in folklore, literature, and art. Today, this fascination resonates in pop-culture, through hit television shows and movies and bestselling books. But what does it mean to be a vampire, a living and modern vampire? What many do not realize is that the Living Vampire is on a serious, lifelong spiritual path.

Best known as Strigoi Vii, the Living Vampire is one who has embarked on a serious and lifelong spiritual path. Not just "kids in capes," the members of this magickal community seek to live in glamour and ritual every day. The Vampyre Sanguinomicon provides a profound perspective on the Vampyre culture, traditions, movement and philosophies, which are intended to challenge and inspire your views. Chapters include Vampyre Ritual, Vampyre Sensuality, Beginning Vampyrism, and The Vampyre Wedding."

Amazon - Vampyre Sanguinomicon
Acesse o link e veja a prévia do livro!

Alguns temas abordados pelo livro incluem:

O Black Veil

Iniciação Vampyrica
Os Festivais
Filosofia Vampyrica
A Arte do Vampyrismo

Iniciação do Lado Diurno
Imortalidade Corporal
The Sanguinarium

Iniciação ao Lado Noturno
Acordando seu Dragão

Anatomia da Morte
Sensualidade Vampyrica
Além do Espelho
O Strigoi Morte

As Correntes  (Roads)

Pedidos já disponiveis para a data de lançamento (1º de Setembro)!
Vampyre Sanguinomicon: The Lexicon of the Living Vampire